[chapter-delegates] Re: Encouragement and information from today's meeting with Lynn
patrick at theplproject.org
patrick at theplproject.org
Wed Apr 6 06:34:49 PDT 2005
Hi People,
Please be so good and try to avoid sending everytime cc of all your local
correspondance to the rest of the world since I receive now many dozens of
mails each day like that which block my email address for more important
Please do consider that cc is only made for people really needing your
Thanks in advance.
Patrick Lehner
ISOC Geneva Chapter
---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 16:24:06 +0300
>From: Veni Markovski <veni at veni.com>
>Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] Re: Encouragement and information from
today's meeting with Lynn
>To: Patrick Vande Walle <patrick at isoc.lu>, chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
>Cc: "Lynn St.Amour" <st.amour at isoc.org>
>At 17:10 05-04-05 -0300, Patrick Vande Walle wrote:
>>>What do you say?
>>I say you did a pretty good job in summarizing this meeting ;-)
>I hope that Lynn will also publich the minutes she was taking, as it turned
>out I've just missed Stefano (ISOC Italy), who was also there, and who
>actually had driven the discussion to the more important issues as like
>what are the relations between ISOC and chapters, how they can be improved,
>what are the weakneses, etc., etc.
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