[chapter-delegates] Membership Level Names

Gene Gaines gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com
Wed Apr 6 03:40:56 PDT 2005


Response to your:

>>We suggest that the free membership level be termed 'Global Member' and the
>>paid membership level be termed 'Sustaining Member'. 

Good!  Thank you!

My thought.

Perhaps, there are really three levels of ISOC membership.

 1. A member, any place in the world, who does not make the
    US$75 monetary contribution.

 2. A member who elects to make the US$75 contribution.

 3. A member who also has signed up for and meets the
    additional requirements of an ISOC chapter.

My US-centric taste, labels for these 3 levels:

 1. 'Member' or 'Global Member'.  Either will do.
 2. 'Sustaining Member' or 'Contributing member'.
    I am not sure how this is understood in different
    languages, for example Rajnesh Singh does not like
    'Sustaining Member', perhaps it translates badly
    in his language

 3. In addition to being one of those, I also can be a
    'Member' of ISOC-DC or ISOC-France or ISOC-PR, etc.

Gene Gaines
gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com
Sterling, Virginia USA

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