[chapter-delegates] Membership Level Names

Franck Martin franck at sopac.org
Tue Apr 5 17:57:45 PDT 2005

Why not simply "member" and "sustaining member"

These "members" are also chapter members for us, so not sure global 
would reflect the situation correctly.


David McAuley wrote:

>Dear Chapter Delegates:
>We have been soliciting feedback and considering alternatives to the names
>of the membership levels we recently announced. While we meant no slight
>from the term 'Associate Member' we were quickly informed it was seen that
>way and so we undertook to find a new name for each level.
>After considering a number of ideas we have what we think is a sensible
>naming convention for individual membership and ask your opinion.
>We suggest that the free membership level be termed 'Global Member' and the
>paid membership level be termed 'Sustaining Member'. 
>Let us know what you think of these terms. 
>We will send a note on the payment level issue in the next several days. 
>Thank you.  
>David McAuley
>Membership Director
>Internet Society
>703-326-9880, ext 104
>703-963-5887 (mobile)
>mcauley at isoc.org

Franck Martin
ICT Specialist
franck at sopac.org
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