FW: [chapter-delegates] Re: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations

Franck Martin franck at sopac.org
Tue Apr 5 05:07:14 PDT 2005


I do not feel it is the fault of the Selection committee to not have 
included Veni. They had to work within parameters set by the ISOC board 
or, I fear, by one of the VP without much consultation.

I don't think the selection committee should have to make this choice at 
all. It is up to ISOC to set the rule that a leaving board member is by 
default nominated, and the selection committee has to find 2 new candidates.

ISOC HQ, your call, Lynn?


Ramon Morales wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ramon Morales [mailto:ramon at isocpr.org] 
>Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 4:56 AM
>To: 'Margaret Wasserman'
>Subject: RE: [chapter-delegates] Re: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations
>Do you really believe that not allowing an incumbent to run again and to
>review their qualifications on the same field as other applicants is fair?
>Don't you think that someone who has been on the Board has the right to run
>again and let their constituents decide if they should be re-elected? I
>agree with Franck on this point. And I agree with the essence of Jacek's
>arguments even with your defense of the process. 
>I ask that you pass on to your future replacement that this matter ought to
>be done in the interest of true democracy and transparency. I believe that
>chapters ought to decide chapter representation on the BoT through a set of
>rules that inspire trust in the process and that gives us the right to
>re-elect leaders if they wish to be re-considered. 
>Whether it was your's or the Nominating Committee's intention or not is not
>the issue. What is at issue is our right to elect our leaders. 
>I urge all chapter representatives to please review the existing rules and
>to bring about the changes that will align this organization with its
>chapter constituency. It has everything to do with this organization's
>I urge the two candidates that were nominated to speak out about this matter
>and join in this discussion. I will respect their right to remain silent if
>they choose to do that as well. 
>I ask again how many chapter votes will be rendered in total in this
>election. I have lost track of how many chapters we have now. Perhaps, David
>will clarify this matter.
>Best regards,
>Ramon Morales
>Internet Society of Puerto Rico
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Margaret Wasserman [mailto:margaret at thingmagic.com] 
>Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 2:54 AM
>To: Jacek Gajewski
>Cc: Tommi Karttaavi; chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
>Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] Re: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations
>Hi Jacek,
>>>The problem, with this year process of nominations was however that 
>>>it was not officially said (neither a priori nor post factum) that:
>>>-  the nominations will follow the geographical diversity (or any 
>>>other) criterium;
>>>-  that there will be only two candidates selected;
>>>Since this was not written in the bylaws, it means it has been 
>>>'invented' by the NC (before or after the famous consultations with 
>>>yet unknown 'other' ISOC members). Fine, the NC was entrusted to do 
>>>the nominations and if they have applied some criterium, which was 
>>>not in the bylaws, they should (in my opinion) at least post factum 
>>>say that they have applied criterium XYZ and there were only N 
>>>candidates fullfilling this criterium.
>The 2005 Call for Nominations said:
>     The ISOC Nominations Committee expects to choose at least four
>     well-qualified candidates for the Organizational Member elections and
>     at least two well-qualified candidates for the Chapter elections.
>     Candidates for ISOC Trustee should have demonstrable involvement in
>     the Internet, particularly in the areas of standards, public policy or
>     education.  The following qualifications are also highly desirable:
>         - Business background and organizational leadership experience,
>           including Board experience.
>         - Not-for-profit experience.
>         - Ability to raise funds for not-for-profit organizations.
>         - The ability to identify relevant ISOC projects and obtain
>           funds or other resources to accomplish them.
>         - Vision for the role of the Internet Society.
>     ISOC is interested in broadly-based representation on the Board of
>     Trustees and seeks to identify candidates from industry, education,
>     non-profit or government.  The selection criteria will include
>     regional location, current activities, relevant experience and
>     professional background.
>The 2005 Call for Nominations was widely circulated, posted to the 
>chapter-delegates list and discussed on this list.  However, to my 
>knowledge, no one sent any feedback to the Nominations Committee 
>regarding the number of candidates that we should select for each 
>election and/or our published selection criteria, which do 
>prominently feature "broadly-based representation" and "regional 
>As for the "famous consultations" with other ISOC members:
>The Nominations Committee Chair (that would be me) explicitly asked 
>the Board of Trustees for input on the criteria that we should use to 
>select candidates for the ISOC elections, and we reflected that 
>feedback in the Call for Nominations.  We also asked the Board of 
>Trustees to nominate candidates (using the same Call for Nominations 
>that was sent to chapter-delegates).  In one or two cases, I asked 
>other Board members for their thoughts on specific nominees, 
>particularly those that were not well-known to members of the 
>Nominations Committee.
>I think that it would be constructive for you to consider the fact 
>that 10 members of ISOC served on the Nominations Committee and 
>dedicated a substantial amount of time to reviewing the available 
>candidates and selecting amongst them.  This was not an easy task, 
>and we did not make our decisions lightly.  Perhaps you could give us 
>the benefit of the doubt and at least consider the possibility that 
>we may have carefully followed the documented selection process, 
>published our criteria, considered all of the input that we received, 
>and tried to make the best selections possible?
>Best Regards,

Franck Martin
ICT Specialist
franck at sopac.org
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