[chapter-delegates] Re: Encouragement and information from today's meeting with Lynn
Veni Markovski
veni at veni.com
Tue Apr 5 12:06:51 PDT 2005
I agree with you.
Here are several points, which I made today morning, during a meeting with
Lynn St. Amour - CEO/President of ISOC. Also present at that meeting were
chapter presidents or members of Board of South Africa, Luxembourg, UK,
Sweden, Niue, France, Morocco, Bulgaria, George Sadowsky, Richard Delmas...
and may be I am missing one or two names, as I was not taking notes.
I proposed that ISOC European chapters should work together, in consortium,
to apply for funding from the EU programs (I had in mind the 6th European
Framework, but there could be others, too).
I advise the African countries to start research on the WorldBank
activities. The new chief of the WB - Paul Wolfowitz, is claiming the next
5 years will be dedicated to Africa, bridging the digital divide, etc.
Someone suggested that wherever there's an ISOC chapter, it should be the
natural channel for ISOC, when there are events, related to ISOC. The
example was with the IETF, which is to take place in August in Paris, but
the local chapter is not involved in the work around the meeting, and will
not be getting any credit from this event.
Many of us several times, insistingly, pointed out that ISOC listens, but
does not hear the chapters. The discussion included also general weaknesses
of relations between ISOC HQ and chapters. All of us said that this
communications needs improvement.
Sharing experience between chapters is considered good, but sometimes it
just needs understanding that there are cross-cultural differences, and the
majority of the chapters do not use English as a native language. Also,
sometimes passion is being incorrectly accepted as insult. Sometimes
reactions against chapters is being provoked by remarks, which would be
considered totally appropriate in other environments.
One thing, which I was kind of wondering... Could someone here make a
calculation how many of the chapters have actually posted something in the
last 4 months? I think it's around 20 chapters, someone else said 5-6.
Another proposal was to have another mailing list, where only projects will
be discussed, so that we can continue to exchange information here, but
focus on real funding there.
What do you say?
At 01:13 06-04-05 +0700, you wrote:
>Dear Chapter Delegates,
>Even though I am not the expert on fund raising, I encourage each and every
>chapter officers to share in our activities in raising fund. We know and we
>admit that the amount of income that our chapter is currently receiving is
>micro-dwarf if compared to the money produced by P.I.R., but we are also
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