[chapter-delegates] Did I run for the Board?

Vansnick Rudi rudi.vansnick at isoc.be
Mon Apr 4 10:59:17 PDT 2005

Reading all the emails regarding the elections, it seems to me that we need
something similar to ICANN.
Perhaps it would be good to have a BoT member for each continent, in order to
have a balanced presence of "everyone on the internet".

I hesitated to enter my candidature for election, but as I have enough
activities in Europe (running VGA ISOC-ECC platform, setting up a communication
platform for chapter delegates through a forum, ...), that I thought I could
better work on those projects, helping as such ISOC to grow in the near future.

Let's unite in stead of spreading out in x entities ...

Success to all the candidates.

Best regards,

Rudi Vansnick
ISOC Belgium

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Margaret Wasserman [mailto:margaret at thingmagic.com] 
> Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 1:54 PM
> To: Jacek Gajewski; Veni Markovski
> Cc: chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
> Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] Did I run for the Board?
> Hi Jacek,
> At 9:53 AM +0200 4/4/05, Jacek Gajewski wrote:
> >>  I regret to inform you that you have not been selected as one of
> >>the candidates. We are grateful for your interest and wish you 
> >>success in your future endeavors. As mentioned, the field from 
> >>which we had to draw was large and very qualified and this result 
> >>is in no way intended to be a negative comment on your 
> >>qualifications.
> This is a paragraph from a letter that was sent to all candidates 
> that were not selected for the ISOC Board of Trustees.  It should not 
> be interpreted to apply especially or specifically to Veni's 
> candidacy.
> At the end of the note to Veni, I did suggest that he could call me 
> if he wanted to discuss this outcome (an offer that I did not make to 
> the other 29 candidates who were not selected), but he has not chosen 
> to do so.
> >If we go over the correspondence on the chapter delegates list than
> >the majority of the postings were supporting your candidature. So 
> >this announcment comes to me as a shock, especially that the only 
> >reason given is that there were other qualified candidates. I 
> >personally, have no doubts about your extremely high qualifications, 
> >so I don't think that the higher qualifications of other candidates 
> >were the only reason to ignore a clear and widely known signal of 
> >Chapter's wishes.
> >
> >With this e-mail I kindly ask Margaret to explain the reason, why
> >the high qualification of other candidates were valued higher then 
> >the voice of majority of chapters.
> The Nominations Committee is comprised of ten people who made a joint 
> decision regarding who we would place on the ISOC ballots, and the 
> nature and content of our deliberations are confidential.  So, I am 
> sorry, but I really can't answer this question.  I don't know exactly 
> which qualifications or attributes of the selected candidates were 
> most compelling to each Nominations Committee member, and I do not 
> feel that it would be appropriate to comment on the specific 
> discussions regarding any one candidate.
> Best Regards,
> Margaret

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