[chapter-delegates] Did I run for the Board?
Veni Markovski
veni at veni.com
Mon Apr 4 06:22:14 PDT 2005
At 09:53 04-04-05 +0200, Jacek Gajewski wrote:
>Dear Margaret, dear Veni,
>If we go over the correspondence on the chapter delegates list than the
>majority of the postings were supporting your candidature. So this
>announcment comes to me as a shock, especially that the only reason given
>is that there were other qualified candidates. I personally, have no
>doubts about your extremely high qualifications, so I don't think that the
>higher qualifications of other candidates were the only reason to ignore a
>clear and widely known signal of Chapter's wishes.
>With this e-mail I kindly ask Margaret to explain the reason, why the
>high qualification of other candidates were valued higher then the voice
>of majority of chapters.
Dear Jacek,
Margaret will not explain you the reason, other than what's in her e-mail.
I don't have doubts that the two people selected by the NomCom are good
people, and will contribute to ISOC. When I came to you with my message,
this was only to explain you that I did run, I did my part of the work. I
don't know how the NomCom was working, and that's proper - noone from the
candidates should know that. What I am kind of wondering is why there were
only two candidates selected? Why not four? Or six?
When I was running 3 years ago there were 5, some of them decided not to
run, in favour of my friend and colleague Jean-Claude, and at the end there
were only two, but noone limited candidates.
Also, when the whole process started, I was expecting that - as before -
the natural way of suggesting candidates would be via chapters. It turned
out I had not read properly the by-laws. You see - they allow anyone to
nominate OR self-nominate anyone, even not a chapter member, to be elected
by chapters. So far this has not been an issue, as we were working in more
or less friendly manner. However, I regret to say, that I feel somewhat
bewildered at this point why we didn't propose a better outline for the
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