[chapter-delegates] Did I run for the Board?

Margaret Wasserman margaret at thingmagic.com
Mon Apr 4 04:53:39 PDT 2005

Hi Jacek,

At 9:53 AM +0200 4/4/05, Jacek Gajewski wrote:
>>  I regret to inform you that you have not been selected as one of 
>>the candidates. We are grateful for your interest and wish you 
>>success in your future endeavors. As mentioned, the field from 
>>which we had to draw was large and very qualified and this result 
>>is in no way intended to be a negative comment on your 

This is a paragraph from a letter that was sent to all candidates 
that were not selected for the ISOC Board of Trustees.  It should not 
be interpreted to apply especially or specifically to Veni's 
At the end of the note to Veni, I did suggest that he could call me 
if he wanted to discuss this outcome (an offer that I did not make to 
the other 29 candidates who were not selected), but he has not chosen 
to do so.

>If we go over the correspondence on the chapter delegates list than 
>the majority of the postings were supporting your candidature. So 
>this announcment comes to me as a shock, especially that the only 
>reason given is that there were other qualified candidates. I 
>personally, have no doubts about your extremely high qualifications, 
>so I don't think that the higher qualifications of other candidates 
>were the only reason to ignore a clear and widely known signal of 
>Chapter's wishes.
>With this e-mail I kindly ask Margaret to explain the reason, why 
>the high qualification of other candidates were valued higher then 
>the voice of majority of chapters.

The Nominations Committee is comprised of ten people who made a joint 
decision regarding who we would place on the ISOC ballots, and the 
nature and content of our deliberations are confidential.  So, I am 
sorry, but I really can't answer this question.  I don't know exactly 
which qualifications or attributes of the selected candidates were 
most compelling to each Nominations Committee member, and I do not 
feel that it would be appropriate to comment on the specific 
discussions regarding any one candidate.

Best Regards,

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