[chapter-delegates] Did I run for the Board?

Jacek Gajewski gajewski at ceenet.org
Mon Apr 4 00:53:46 PDT 2005

Dear Margaret, dear Veni,

Veni Markovski wrote:

> I was nominated by ISOC - Puerto Rico. It was Ramon Morales, who sent 
> my nomination, and I've done my homework after that -  I've accepted 
> it, sent my position, found two references. I was interviewed on the 
> phone by the Nomination Committee (although some of the suggestions I 
> got from you are that it was acting as a Selection, not a Nomination 
> Committee:-), a procedure which, I was explained, is because there 
> were many candidates. And no, I don't know how many.
Margaret Wasserman wrote:

> I regret to inform you that you have not been selected as one of the 
> candidates. We are grateful for your interest and wish you success in 
> your future endeavors. As mentioned, the field from which we had to 
> draw was large and very qualified and this result is in no way 
> intended to be a negative comment on your qualifications.

If we go over the correspondence on the chapter delegates list than the 
majority of the postings were supporting your candidature. So this 
announcment comes to me as a shock, especially that the only reason 
given is that there were other qualified candidates. I personally, have 
no doubts about your extremely high qualifications, so I don't think 
that the higher qualifications of other candidates were the only reason 
to ignore a clear and widely known signal of Chapter's wishes.

With this e-mail I kindly ask Margaret to explain the reason, why  the 
high qualification of other candidates were valued higher then the voice 
of majority of chapters.

With best regards,
Jacek Gajewski

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