[ih] anyone want to be famous?

Bob Purvy bpurvy at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 12:13:28 PDT 2024

OK, not famous-famous 🤣; just featured on my landing page.

As you may remember, I've written a novel that's set in the 1990-96 period,
as the Internet was just reaching the popular consciousness. Our hero, Len
Saunders, retires from a lifetime of accounting and finance, and slowly
gets into the online world: first Prodigy, then AOL, then Usenet. Here's
the pitch <https://albertcory50.substack.com/p/heres-my-pitch>.

Why a novel? Well, I'm a big fan of Patrick O'Brian books (the *Master and
Commander* movie was based on them). In fiction, you have characters who
don't know how it turns out, and they have dialog and do everyday stuff.
And they're not freaks like Steve Jobs, or the hippies that John Markoff
wrote about. They're normal people you might have known.

Your task, should you accept, will be to give me a blurb I can use. It
would be nice if you yourself are well-known, but it's totally fine if not
-- we'll just describe you as what you are!

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