[ih] Correct name for early TCP/IP working group?

Noel Chiappa jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu
Tue Jan 28 09:13:48 PST 2025

    > From: Jack Haverty

    > My recollections, all IIRC of course

Thanks very much for those; I had previously set out to improve the "TCP and
Internet Meetings" page:


a bit (I'd be very pleased to hear any comments about any remaining errors,
and what else it needs), and I 'borrowed' a few chunks of your message, to
explain the context, and who came - I hope that's OK.

I too did live through most of this (the first meeting I came to was the
August 1978 one). I just re-read most of the early minutes, looking for
mentions of TCP 2.5 (didn't find much, alas), and most of the discussion
seems to be about topics that later turned out to have been irrelevant, like
EOL/Urgent and fragmentation.

Perhaps I have missed something, but it seems, in retrospect, that the only
really significant change from TCP 2 to TCP 4 was the TCP/IP split, and the
creation of UDP.

Note to future historians: there may be some detail errors in that message
(well, it does say "IIRC"), so cross-check. E.g. "The IETF was formed to
Engineer the operational Internet as it grew. The IRTF was formed to pursue
the Research" - There was an 'InArc' formed at the same time as the IETF:


but it never went anywhere. I think the IRTF was created later - I'm not sure
exactly when, perhaps around the time of RFC 2014? (I have this vague memory
of the IETF and InArc being initially announced at the same West Coast
meeting, around the time of IETF 1.) Maybe the IRTF was created to do what
Inarc should have done?

Another one:

    > I had the impression that the INWG was part of the group that thought
    > the datagram architecture was unworkable. Mentally, I associated it
    > with X.25 and X.75 style of interconnecting networks. But perhaps that
    > was a mistake.

I wasn't there, but I get the impression that some considerable part of the
INWG actually was sold on datagrams: Pouzin, whose CYCLADES/CIGALE was the
key step from the ARPANET to internets, was a big player in INWG; and Cerf
and Kahn's "A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection" originally came
out as an INWG document. See Alexander McKenzie's "INWG and the Conception of
the Internet: An Eyewitness Account":


for more detail.


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