[ih] History of Network Operations

John Kristoff jtk at dataplane.org
Wed Feb 5 11:24:18 PST 2025

On Wed, 5 Feb 2025 10:47:39 -0800
Jack Haverty via Internet-history <internet-history at elists.isoc.org>

> IMHO, the Hewitt system is interesting but isn't really very similar
> to IP Source Routing.  The difference is that, in the IP environment, 
> Source Routing was a mechanism for the *user* of the network to
> override the routing decisions that the network would normally make.

Fair enough.   End stations would automatically send either an
all-routes or single-route explorer packet to discover and select a
path.  I think the first response in one case or the response with the
"shortest" path in another would be chosen. I don't remember any common
interface for this that was exposed to the user or application per se,
but so much of this is in a pretty foggy area of my gray matter now.


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