[ih] Possible loss of a bit of Internet History

Karl Auerbach karl at iwl.com
Fri Nov 8 10:38:04 PST 2024

This article may seem to have little to do with Internet History.  
However, Linda Fefferman ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Feferman 
) filmed the building of the Washington DC Interop show network in 1993.

Only a short, highly edited, VHS quality of that material was made 
public.  (Here's a link to a copy on YouTube.) 

I spoke to her a few years back to see about getting access to her 
original Beta-SP tapes.  But I never had a chance to go down and make 
decent quality digital copies.

I fear that those originals may have been lost in the fires. Here's the 
NY Times article:



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