[ih] Fwd: WEBCAST JUL 15 – The Royal Society – Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Internet

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Mon Jul 15 05:45:11 PDT 2024

This has just started. Apologies for not sending the link to the 
ISOC.LIVE Webcast earlier.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[Internet Policy] WEBCAST JUL 15 – The Royal Society – 
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Internet
Date: 	Sun, 14 Jul 2024 11:44:38 -0400
From: 	Joly MacFie via InternetPolicy <internetpolicy at elists.isoc.org>
Reply-To: 	Joly MacFie <joly.nyc at gmail.com>
To: 	internetpolicy at elists.isoc.org <InternetPolicy at elists.isoc.org>

This is the second i50 event, the first being the May 19 IEEE Milestone 
<https://isoc.live/17910/> . Now it's the ACM's turn, with The Royal 
Society hosting.

Again, a high powered lineup of top speakers, this time focusing more on 
academics, but also including Doreen Bogdan-Martin of the ITU, and 
Maarten Botterman of GFCE/ICANN.

What both events do have in common is the People Centered Internet and 
its co-founders, Vint Cerf and Mei Lin Fung.

Read on blog <https://isoc.live/18150/> or Reader 
Site logo image 	ISOC LIVE NOTICEBOARD <https://isoc.live/>

<http://isoc.live/?action=user_content_redirect&uuid=8b885fa444ec8c2d6ff21d28c4b564407e32b1f2b0af91a4c54ef9d27f0765ef&blog_id=151329629&post_id=18150&user_id=2239291&subs_id=125336&signature=a55167cfbef5996717ede08e46853048&email_name=new-post&user_email=joly@punkcast.com&encoded_url=aHR0cHM6Ly9pc29jLmxpdmUvMTgxNTA>On Monday 
July 15 2024 from 1pm-7pm BST (12:00-18:00 UTC) The Royal Society 
<http://isoc.live/?action=user_content_redirect&uuid=624efcbd17c03af84c99879b513d0335f276f0063c4e437690553123779d9797&blog_id=151329629&post_id=18150&user_id=2239291&subs_id=125336&signature=1eb7337299a6293a4b3d4c2c2a0868e2&email_name=new-post&user_email=joly@punkcast.com&encoded_url=aHR0cHM6Ly9yb3lhbHNvY2lldHkub3JnLw=> and 
the Association for Computing Machinery 
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will be *Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Internet 
*in London, UK. The event will be opened by the co-inventor of the 
Internet *Dr Vint Cerf* and will feature a series of panels with eminent 
speakers that will look back at what the Internet has achieved in the 
last fifty years and focus on the next generation of the Internet and 
AI, and is supported by the *Web Science Trust 
People-Centered Internet 
Digital Enlightenment Forum 
The Digital Humanism Initiative 
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the *Web Science Institute* 
University of Southampton, UK.

*PROGRAMME* (All times BST = UTC+1)

*13:00 Welcome*
*Areeq Chowdhury*, Head of Policy, Data and Digital Technologies, The 
Royal Society
*Prof. Yannis Ionnidis*, President, ACM
*Prof. Dame Wendy Hall*, University of Southampton / Web Science Trust

*13:05 Opening Speech / Conversation*
*Dr. Vint Cerf*, Vice President / Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
*Mei Lin Fung*, Chair / Co-founder, People-Centred Internet

*13:45 Panel 1: The Internet as an Infrastructure*
*Prof. Andrew Ellis*, Aston University
*Prof. Dimitra Simeonidou*, University of Bristol
*Maarten Botterman*, Board Director, ICANN
*Prof. Gaven Smith*, The University of Manchester
Chair: *Sir David Payne*, Professor of Photonics, University of Southampton

*15:15 Panel 2: The Internet as a Facilitator of Opportunity*
*Doreen Bogdan-Martin*, Secretary General, International 
Telecommunications Union (ITU)
*Prof. Jim Hendler*, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
*Alan Kay*, Computer Science Pioneer
*Prof. Bitange Ndemo*, Kenya's Ambassador to Belgium and EU
Chair: *Mei Lin Fung*, Chair / Co-founder, People-Centred Internet
Respondent: *Dr. Vint Cerf*

*Panel 3: The Internet and Society*
*Prof. Noshir Contractor*, Northwestern University
*Prof. Victoria Nash*, Oxford Internet Institute
*Prof. Sir Nigel Shadbolt*, University of Oxford
*Prof. Hannes Werthner*, Vienna University of Technology
Chair: *Dame Wendy Hall,* Regius Professor of Computer Science, 
University of Southampton / Trustee, Web Science Institute / Director, 
Web Science Trust
Respondent: *Dr. Vint Cerf*

*Closing Remarks*
Dr. Vint Cerf, Vice President / Chief Internet Evangelist, Google

*LIVESTREAM https://youtu.be/ltF5uWB9Wg0 

*REGISTER VIA EVENTBRITE https://bit.ly/4cW77lZ 


*TWITTER #i50 
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@TheOfficialACM @PCI_Initiative @vgcerf @websciencetrust Digital 
Enlightenment Forum @DigHumTUWien @sotonWSI*

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*** ISOC.LIVE is free community webcasting support service sponsored by 
the the Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) - Big thanks to our 
July 2024 funder Vint Cerf ***

Joly MacFie  +12185659365
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