[ih] Installed base momentum (was Re: Design choices in SMTP)

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Mon Feb 13 13:40:51 PST 2023

On 10/02/2023 17:56, John Day via Internet-history wrote:
> ATM was a bad idea the day it was proposed.  It was unbelievable how many people were taken in by it.

ATM saw glory in PPPoA in ADSL - 

As for why TCP/IP won over OSI, my take is that at the time OSI stacks 
really worked for large mainframe computers. The advent of PCs & desktop 
machines that could run early TCP/IP stacks killed the OSI stack. Credit 
goes in particular to:
- KA9Q - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KA9Q (incidentally why is Phil 
Karn not in the Internet Hall of Fame?)
- Microsoft implementing TCP/IP in Win95
- Novell NetWare TCP/IP support in the early 90s & its NE2000 card (& 

Mainframes lost the game and along did OSI.


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