[ih] SMTP History (Jack Haverty)

Dave Crocker dhc at dcrocker.net
Tue Mar 29 09:15:47 PDT 2022

On 3/29/2022 8:20 AM, vinton cerf via Internet-history wrote:
> and then there was PEM...

Ahh, yes, email object security.  One of these days, we should find a 
way to make it work at scale...

As I recall, PEM began as an IRT activity, then migrated into the IETF. 
  The former was pre-1990, but the IETF specs came out around 1993.

PGP came out in 1991 and was immediately deployed and important.  I 
remember Zimmerman citing a thank you from some folks involved in the 
efforts that produced dissolution of the Soviet Union...


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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