[ih] NCP (was: Separation of TCP and IP)

Dave Crocker dhc at dcrocker.net
Tue Jun 28 07:26:36 PDT 2022

On 6/28/2022 7:16 AM, Noel Chiappa via Internet-history wrote:
> Each of these layers/units had a well-defined name. However, there was no
> official name for_the stack as a whole_. Which wasn't such a problem,
> initially; but once IP/TCP appeared (and note the date of that first RFC that
> I found which uses 'Network Control Protocol'), there was a need/use for_a_
> term for the 'NCP' stack. Organically, 'NCP' seems to have been adopted to
> fill that role.

Interesting point.  Note that Internet Mail is typically referred to as 
SMTP.  (Hmmm.  Is the T 'transfer' or 'transport'?  Either would be 
reasonable.  And the failure to provide an acronym for the email object 
specification led to its being left out of the DDN Protocols Handbook.  
So, yeah, these labels matter.

It's worth noting that these sorts of name modifications often happen 
over time, partly from a speaker's lack of detailed knowledge and partly 
from a speaker's exposure to related terminology.

For example, it became quite common to see TCP explained as "Transport 
Control Protocol".


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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