[ih] misc questions about 1970s/1980s contracts and funding

Barbara Denny b_a_denny at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 4 12:22:39 PST 2022

 I am not familiar with the contract side of the work.  At least at SRI, we had people whose job was devoted to this and I only occasionally interacted with them. I do have a memory of something that you might find useful for question #3.
I believe SRI had something that might have been called a Task Order(ing)? Agreement at one point.  I think it was with the Army (CECOM), and it may have provided a way to perform work without having to write a full proposal every time.  I think the actual contract had a fixed duration and a funding ceiling.  There was no obligation on the part of the military/government.   I don't remember the mechanism well enough but I think we just had to provide a statement of work and cost, and they would decide whether to approve/accept it. I don't know if there were any restrictions regarding the subject matter. My memory is very foggy and spotty on this topic.

    On Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 03:41:17 PM PST, Jeremy C. Reed via Internet-history <internet-history at elists.isoc.org> wrote:  
 I am trying to understand contracts and funding from around 1970s. early 
1980's such as from National Science Foundation, U.S. Department
of Energy, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DoD) ARPA Order, 
IBM fellowships, etc.

1) For NSF, what does "MCS" mean? Maybe it is larger project like 
"Multichannel Seismic"?

2) What do the ending numbers mean for NSF contracts, such as
NSF MCS74-07644-A03 versus NSF MCS74-07644-A04?

3) What does it mean when same funding contract number is used for 
apparently unrelated projects spread out over years?  I seem to find a 
common link of a common PhD/Masters advisor.

4) Why would an ARPA "proposal" have a "DTIC Selected" date 
stamped on it that is many months after work has already been 
going on and even after releases?

5) What does it mean when the same "ARPA Order" number is used with 
different contract or grant numbers? (Like ARPA Order No. 4031 with both
N00039-80-K-0649 and N00039-82-C-0235 which appear to be different 
years too. What does this numbering mean?)

6) Where can I download old NSF proposals, contracts, reports?

7) Where can I download old DoE proposals, contracts, reports?

8) Where can I download old DoD proposals, contracts, reports?
I used to be able to download some via http://www.dtic.mil/

9) Where can I download old ARPA "Order" proposals, contracts, reports?

10) What is an Government "Accession" number and how does it relate to a 
Report Number?

11) Where can I study more about this?


Jeremy C. Reed

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