[ih] Museum-quality archive for this list?

jericho jericho at attrition.org
Mon Nov 15 19:45:27 PST 2021

On Mon, 15 Nov 2021, touch--- via Internet-history wrote:

: Thus we have no funds to pay for such a service, were one to exist. Note that archive.org <http://archive.org/> does not run mailing lists AND its services require a per-year fee. They don?t say what happens when you stop paying, but in-perpituity escrows aren?t cheap to setup, even with initial funds. HOWEVER, note that such an service has other constraints, notably:

: I?ve contacted many more typical archive-friendly places, including the Computer History Museum, but nobody currently runs a list intended to be archival, so none were able to assist. Such lists hosted at the IEEE ComSoc or ACM SIGCOMM societies have no archive capability either.

The 'cheat' way to do that is to have the list archive somewhere, 
anywhere, via e.g. Mailman & Pipermail. Once that starts, you can trigger 
an archive.org 'save' request for one page. In time their spider will 
start to crawl and archive the content. It isn't "museum quality" in the 
manner speaking, but it will help ensure the content gets preserved in a 
public fashion.

May also be worth talking to Jason Scott, who is an archivist that works 
at IA now. He was doing incredible work preserving computer history 
centered around security, hacking, and adjacent scenes. He has a soft spot 
for history like this and might be able to work some magic behind the 
scenes there.


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