[ih] Better-than-Best Effort

Dave Crocker dhc at dcrocker.net
Thu Aug 26 15:39:54 PDT 2021

Having not followed actual QOS work over the year, my naive brain 
wandered oddly, today with a thought about a semi-QOS approach.

The usual view is that it requires complete, end-to-end support. 
Massive barriers to adoption, at the least.

I'm thinking that the long-haul infrastructure tends to have enough 
capacity that it usually isn't the source of latency.  It's the 
beginning and ending legs that do.

So what about a scheme that defines and provides QOS in those segments 
but not the long middle?  Cheaper, more implementable, and might give 
usefully-better performance.

Assuming that this idea is new only to me, I'm curious about 

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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