[ih] EGP reference

Craig Partridge craig at tereschau.net
Thu Sep 3 08:52:37 PDT 2020

I got requests for references for the Mills and HWB paper.

@inproceedings{10.1145/55482.55502, author = {Mills, D. L. and Braun,
H.}, title = {The NSFNET Backbone Network}, year = {1987}, isbn =
{0897912454}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA}, url =
doi = {10.1145/55482.55502}, abstract = {The NSFNET Backbone Network
interconnects six supercomputer sites, several regional networks and
ARPANET. It supports the DARPA Internet protocol suite and DCN subnet
protocols, which provide delay-based routing and very accurate
time-synchronization services. This paper describes the design and
implementation of this network, with special emphasis on robustness
issues and congestion-control mechanisms.}, booktitle = {Proceedings
of the ACM Workshop on Frontiers in Computer Communications
Technology}, pages = {191–196}, numpages = {6}, location = {Stowe,
Vermont, USA}, series = {SIGCOMM '87} }
  @article{10.1145/55483.55502, author = {Mills, D. L. and Braun, H.},
title = {The NSFNET Backbone Network}, year = {1987}, issue_date =
{Oct./Nov. 1987}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, issn =
{0146-4833}, url =
doi = {10.1145/55483.55502}, abstract = {The NSFNET Backbone Network
interconnects six supercomputer sites, several regional networks and
ARPANET. It supports the DARPA Internet protocol suite and DCN subnet
protocols, which provide delay-based routing and very accurate
time-synchronization services. This paper describes the design and
implementation of this network, with special emphasis on robustness
issues and congestion-control mechanisms.}, journal = {SIGCOMM Comput.
Commun. Rev.}, month = aug, pages = {191–196}, numpages = {6} }

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