[ih] New journal article on IMPs, modems and gateways

Richard Bennett richard at bennett.com
Thu Jan 24 17:43:31 PST 2019

Given that the government filed its suit against AT&T in 1974, it’s pretty hard to attribute the outcome to the Internet. The version of the story I’ve heard is that AT&T wanted the ability to participate in the computer business all along, so it was willing to bargain with the government about the price for that right. Wasn’t that what the FCC’s Computer Inquiries were about? Computer I was in the 1966. 


> On Jan 24, 2019, at 5:14 PM, Alex McKenzie <aamsendonly396 at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2. On page 14 you suggest that the "market-oriented logic" of the internet concept led to the break-up of the Bell monopoly.  I believe this is incorrect.  I believe AT&T proposed the break-up (to the court hearing a US Department of Justice lawsuit for antitrust violations against AT&T) as a strategy to avoid losing its anti-trust case.  I do not believe the logic of the internet design had anything to do with the outcome of this case.  Can you cite any evidence to support your viewpoint?

Richard Bennett
High Tech Forum <http://hightechforum.org/> Founder
Ethernet & Wi-Fi standards co-creator

Internet Policy Consultant

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