[ih] New journal article on IMPs, modems and gateways

Fenwick Mckelvey fenwick.mckelvey at concordia.ca
Sun Jan 6 19:15:56 PST 2019

Kevin Driscoll and I are happy to share our new article on the interface message processor, modems and gateways published in the special issue on ARPANET in the Internet Histories journal.

You can view the article for free at: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/yMkaE54yuIerwcwViDnE/full

Our article focuses on the IMP’s relation to the telephone system – all its work connecting nodes through long lines and modems – and to the history of gateways. We hope the article inspires more interest in our fields on gateways and other devices at the margins that connected computer networks over the years. As media historians, we are hoping to collect more examples, especially specific gateways, and welcome suggestions of where to look next.

For me, the article was also a chance to focus more on IMPs in context, building on some insights from my new book Internet Daemons, http://internetdaemons.com.

If you have any questions or comments, we’d love to hear them.

Finally, a big thanks to Dave Walden for his feedback in writing this manuscript. His website, book and comments made this publication possible. All our errors are our own.

Hope you enoy!

Associate Professor, Communication Studies
Concordia University

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