[ih] .UK vs .GB

Johan Helsingius julf at julf.com
Wed Apr 18 03:34:20 PDT 2018

On 15-04-18 02:18, Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond wrote:

> I know we're all laughing about this now, but back then it was no
> laughing matter. JANET was running no CCITT W series recommendations and
> the policy Europe-wide was to promote X.25 and of course move to X.400
> So all the way until the early nineties (1992?) we were told that the
> way forward was to get our house systems in order to send/receive X.400
> emails.

I am pretty sure Daniel Karrenberg still has a copy of the EUnet X.400
transition plan that he wrote, fully well knowing it would never be


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