[ih] another Internet history site

Dave Crocker dhc2 at dcrocker.net
Sat Nov 11 10:10:09 PST 2017

On 11/11/2017 9:51 AM, Łukasz Bromirski wrote:
>> with some problematic content:
>>      Who invented email?  Why it matters.
>> http://www.internet-history.info/media-library/mediaitem/2624-who-invented-email-why-it-matters.html
> This troll, at least for a moment, was stopped:
> https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20170906/13431338159/case-dismissed-judge-throws-out-shiva-ayyadurais-defamation-lawsuit-against-techdirt.shtml

Sorry, but no he wasn't.  That particular action was stopped, but it was 
merely one in a long, continuing and extremely vigorous effort to claim 
the invention.

The more serious problem here is the failure of folks doing the writing 
to spend even 5 minutes researching the validity of the claims.

 From my own observations of everyone I know about who has been involved 
with creating early email technology, there is exactly one person who 
sustains this particular claim and that's the person making it.  If 
there are others, they seem to have been oddly silent.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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