[ih] Ethernet, was Why TCP?

Paul Vixie paul at redbarn.org
Thu Sep 1 09:02:20 PDT 2016

Noel Chiappa wrote:
>      >  From: "John Levine"
>      >  As we all know, Ethernets worked just fine. A lot of people didn't
>      >  believe it until they saw it
> In defense of the Ethernet sceptics, most Ethernets were operated at traffic
> levels where the collisions which theory predicted at high traffic levels
> weren't a problem.

the theories that predicted congestion collapse were just wrong. see below.

> Liba Svobodova (at MIT at that point) did a bunch of analyses (this would be
> ca. '78 or so) which showed that at low traffic levels, it would be fine, and
> that only at high traffic levels would there be issues. Her analyses, AFAIK,
> were right on target.

see also:


P Vixie

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