[ih] Why was hop by hop flow control eventually abandonded?

Noel Chiappa jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu
Fri Jul 19 19:08:30 PDT 2013

    > From: Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpenter at gmail.com>

    > Could somebody who was there at the time comment on whether the e2e
    > argument (in its 1984 Saltzer et al form) was already part of the
    > discussion then, or if it was a post hoc argument?

To follow up on Jack's post, there were definitely instances of 'we talked
about it at the time, but didn't write it down until later' back then.

One good example is the 'fate-sharing' stuff - I distinctly recall first
seeing that in a presentation that Dave Clark gave to some DoD people in the
late 70s, but it didn't show up written in a paper until the 'Design
Philosophy' paper, in 1988, about a decade later.

As to the E2E argument: I personally don't recall that we had it in a very
articulated form in the late 70s. Maybe some people had it in their heads
(Dave Reed has indicated that he had it early on, and told others about it,
and then Jerry decided it needed to be written up). However, I recall the SRC
paper having a big impact on me when I read it, so I don't think I clearly
understood the ideas in it until I read it.


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