[ih] Hesitating to disagree with one of the fath =?iso-8859-h

John Day jeanjour at comcast.net
Fri May 11 07:59:26 PDT 2012

They were the same machine.  The early version was a 6500, the 
successor to the 5500.  Then Burros upgraded the hardware and 
produced and the machines were called the 5700 adn 6700, but I can't 
remember now what the upgrade was.

The machine we were debugging on was a 6500 serial #2.

I have this vague recollection that the difference was more marketing 
than engineering.  But won't swear to it.

At 10:52 -0400 2012/05/11, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>     > From: John Day <jeanjour at comcast.net>
>     > it was to be connect via B6700
>6700 or 6500? Both Wikipedia (I know, I know, not a reliable source) and the
>RFC's (e.g. 326,319) say 6500?
>	Noel
>PS: Sytel, if you really want a flavour of the early days, just read most of
>the first couple of hundred RFC's. No, I'm not kidding - most of them are
>only a page or so, little chatty notes or status updates, and you can fly
>through them, and you really get a feel for what things were like.

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