[ih] RFC 495
Bob Braden
braden at ISI.EDU
Wed Sep 13 11:45:41 PDT 2006
*> From rfc-ed at ISI.EDU Sat Apr 22 02:13:09 2006
*> X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.6 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00 autolearn=ham
*> version=3.1.0
*> Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 05:11:37 -0400
*> From: John C Klensin <klensin at jck.com>
*> To: rfc-editor at rfc-editor.org
*> Subject: RFC 495
*> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
*> X-ISI-4-43-8-MailScanner: Found to be clean, Found to be clean
*> Hi.
*> As I continue in my project in archeology about the NVT concept
*> and definition, I notice that RFC 495, one of the key original
*> Telnet specifications, is online in form but not in content.
*> The text that is online is essentially a cover letter. It
*> refers to two attachments,
*> "(TELNET Protocol Specification, NIC #15372, and TELNET
*> Option Specifications, NIC #15373)"
I have not been able to locate any paper copies of those attachments.
They are NIC documents that were never directly part of the RFC series.
They may exist in Jake Feinler's archive of NIC documents (or now
in the Computer Museum in Mountain View).
I am ccing the history list, in hopes that someone out there might
have a copies.
*> Which contain the actually consensus protocol specifications.
*> And those documents do not appear to be online.
*> There is also at least one typographical error in the RFC text
*> (I don't know whether it appears in the original or not): the
*> second reference to Dave Crocker's affiliation has him at
*> "ULCA-NMC".
Not that was not in the original... I just checked. I will fix it.
*> Since these reconstructed early RFCs are not the inviolate
*> originals in any event, may I suggest that rfc495.txt be
*> supplemented by an rfc495.pdf that is produced by an image scan
*> of the original and that actually contains the scanned
*> attachments?
Sure, when/if we find the originals.
*> I am happy to offer scanning services if someone can supply
*> copies of the two NIC-numbered documents.
*> thanks,
*> john
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