[ih] Re: IEN 209 missing from IEN index

David L. Mills mills at udel.edu
Tue Jan 27 11:58:22 PST 2004


Gotta set the record straight. I didn't invent the EGP concept; Eric
did. I do claim inventor of the protocol itself. He wrote sections of
two BBN reports which discussed the idea from several perspectives. One
of them was a long-winded discussion of the model and perceived
weaknesses. The isssue was how to design a robust architecture that
could never result in a loop between autonomous systems. Bob may recall
a little addition by me that allowed mapping between metrics in
different systems that achieved this for the NSFnet phase-1 backbone.

I stole Eric's principles and built a protocol around it. We kicked it
around in the ICCB anmd GADS and polished up the unicore paradigm. While
my name is on the RFC, EGP was the product of many folks that was
eventually overtaken by policy based routing and BGP.

Chris Edmondson-Yurkanan wrote:
> Bob, to expand on the situation of IEN 209 (for others):
> 1) Most IEN indexes describe it as follows:
>    The note originally scheduled to be IEN 209 has been issued as an RFC
>    instead.
>    Please refer to RFC 904.
>       Title:      Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) Formal Specification
>       Author:     Dave Mills
>       Pathname:   RFC:RFC904.TXT
>    Public access files may be copied from the RFC: directory at SRI-NIC.ARPA
>    via FTP with username ANONYMOUS and password GUEST.
> 2) Yet, RFC 904's author is Dave Mills, not Eric Rosen, and has a date of 1984
> 3) RFC 904 references 2 preceding RFCs, including
>         RFC 827
>         Eric C. Rosen Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.  October 1982
> 4) Thus, I wonder if actually RFC 827 was supposed to be IEN 209,
>    and that the IEN 209 description should be changed to reference
>    RFC 827 not RFC 904. ????
> Thanks, Chris
> --
> Chris Edmondson-Yurkanan            TAY 4.136; +1 512 471 9546  Fax: 471 8885
> The University of Texas at Austin   Email addresses are: chris at cs.utexas.edu
> Computer Sciences Department          or for fun: dragon at cs.utexas.edu
> 1 University Station C0500          URL:  www.cs.utexas.edu/users/chris/
> Austin, TX   78712-0233             Fedex: please send to Taylor Hall 2.124

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