[ih] Re: Global congestion collapse

Craig Partridge craig at aland.bbn.com
Thu Dec 30 09:58:45 PST 2004

Following up our discussions on this topic, I had cause today to re-read
the proceedings of the 6th IETF (April 1987), which are on-line at
www.ietf.org.  They include minutes (p. 9) in which Van Jacobson describes early
thinking about slow start (and why it works better than what was in
the Internet at the time).  Also included are Van's slides!

The minutes also include a report from the ARPANET team on how they dealt
with an episode of congestion collapse (apparently around January of 1987)
with upgrades to IMP/PSN software -- and traffic distribution matrices
showing where the heavy congestion was observed -- fun stuff (and it
brings back wonderful memories..).


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