[ih] Global congestion collapse

Perry E. Metzger perry at piermont.com
Tue Dec 14 08:18:59 PST 2004

Craig Partridge <craig at aland.bbn.com> writes:
>>Either way, though, it was pretty shortly thereafter that I remember
>>getting my first replacement .o files with yummy new TCP congestion
>>control algorithms in them.
> That would have been Van's TCP mods (described in the SIGCOMM '88 paper).

Of course. :)

> It was astonishing how big a difference they made.

Yes, though apparently (according to David Mills in the last few notes
to this list) more was going on than I was aware of at the
time. (That's not surprising -- my research work around then was
debuggers for highly parallel systems, and I was not paying much
attention to the network except as a way of getting my work done...)


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