[ih] back to History (or at least history related)

Joe Touch touch at ISI.EDU
Mon Jan 27 11:47:25 PST 2003

All this discussion of previous formats reminded me to ask, on behalf of 
the Postel Center:

	1) does anyone have a SCSI 4mm tape drive they could lend?

	2) we would very much like to try to keep some old-format
	drives as a community resource, in particular:
		SCSI 4mm tape
		SCSI 8mm tape
		5.25" diskette
		NeXT optical R/W
		9-track reel tape

If anyone has one they'd like to provide on extended-loan or as 
(deductable) donation, please let me know...

If anyone has data of historical interest, we are actively collecting it 
here at the Postel Center. Data should come with a letter releasing its 
content, indicating whether it can be posted to the web or at least made 
available on per-individual cases.



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