[ih] Cluster Addressing and CIDR

Joe Touch touch at ISI.EDU
Mon Jan 13 20:23:44 PST 2003

Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim wrote:
>>"Internet Cluster Addressing Scheme", by Carl-Herbert Rokitanski/
>>Fern Uni-Hagen, August 1989 <draft-ietf-pdn-clusterscheme-00.txt>
>>"Application of the Cluster Addressing Scheme to X.25 Public Data 
>>Networks and Worldwide Internet Network Reachability Information 
>>Exchange", by Carl-Herbert Rokitanski/Fern Uni-Hagen, August 1989, 
>>"Assignment/Reservation of Internet Network Numbers for the PDN-Cluster", 
>>by Carl-Herbert Rokitanski/Fern Uni-Hagen, July 1989, 
> So, IDs could be as valuable as RFCs.
> Then, why imposing a 6 month limit for IDs, when diskspace is so
> cheap?

The reason for ID disappearance has nothing to do with space.

The IDs are deliberately ephemeral, intended to foster the open exchange 
of partial ideas. Establishing them as archival from the start imposes a 
hurdle that was percieved to inhibit this exchange.

Some ideas do fall by the wayside, ideas which could have been archived 
as Informational RFCs, technical reports, or published papers. In cases 
where that has not been done, it was the authors' choice not to pursue 
that route.



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