[Chapter-delegates] Notification: Individual Donation campaign

Todd M. Tolbert tolbert at isoc.org
Sun Jan 28 08:27:24 PST 2018

Good Day Alexander,

You are correct, and thank you for the reminder. We have been gathering the results and working to put together not only the output, but some learnings from it. I have just posted in the Chapter Advisory Council community on Connect.internetsociety.org. A small deck provides the output you are requesting here. 

Thank you,

Todd M. Tolbert
Chief Administrative Officer
Internet Society

> On Jan 28, 2018, at 9:58 AM, Alexander Blom <alexander.blom at budgetphone.nl> wrote:
> Hello Todd,
> It has been some 2 months since your donation campaign and I am sure everyone is very curious about the results. Would you like to share them with the chapter-delegates list now? For instance, how much did you collect from our members, in total and per country? These would be really interesting numbers for all of us I think.
> Thanks in advance!
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Kind regards
> Alexander Blom
> Chairman of the Netherlands Chapter
> The Netherlands
> T +31 (0)71 5815620
> F +31 (0)71 5815611
> 2017-11-28 21:02 GMT+01:00 Todd M. Tolbert <tolbert at isoc.org>:
>> Hello Judith, we did not send the actual email campaign messages to any elists, or Connect. We sent them directly to the individual member’s email on record in the AMS. I have communicated with Glenn on his personal situation and we’ve cleared that up.
>> I hope that clarifies.
>> Thank you,
>> Todd
>> From: Chapter-delegates <chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org> on behalf of Judith Hellerstein <judith at jhellerstein.com>
>> Organization: Hellerstein & Associates
>> Reply-To: "judith at jhellerstein.com" <judith at jhellerstein.com>
>> Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 at 10:48 AM
>> To: "chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org" <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>, Glenn Mcknight <mcknight.glenn at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Chapter-delegates] Notification: Individual Donation campaign
>> HI Todd,
>> I just got one email from the Chapter delegates list on Connect and not the email version of it. Glenn perhaps you are only subscribed to the email Chapter Delegates and not the Connect version of it
>> Best,
>> Judith
>> _________________________________________________________________________
>> Judith Hellerstein, Founder & CEO
>> Hellerstein & Associates
>> 3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Washington DC 20008
>> Phone: (202) 362-5139  Skype ID: judithhellerstein
>> Mobile/Whats app: +1202-333-6517
>> E-mail: Judith at jhellerstein.com   Website: www.jhellerstein.com
>> Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/jhellerstein/
>> Opening Telecom & Technology Opportunities Worldwide
>> On 11/28/2017 9:00 AM, Todd M. Tolbert wrote:
>> Hi Saul,
>> I’m confused. To my knowledge there has been exactly one email campaign sent (just today) about fundraising for ISOC. If you have another one, please forward to me as I would love to see it and investigate where it came from.
>> It is not our intention to send every email (or any email other than a specific campaign) asking for donations. We do, however, send many informational emails that may ask for members to take action. But we will not specifically say that that action should be to donate.
>> Only this fundraising campaign that we imagine doing twice a year would do so.
>> I hope that helps and look forward to receiving a forward of the email that you believe is asking for money.
>> Thank you,
>> Todd
>> From: Saul Stein <saul at enetworks.co.za>
>> Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 at 1:16 AM
>> To: Todd Tolbert <tolbert at isoc.org>, Eduardo Diaz <eduardodiazrivera at gmail.com>
>> Cc: "chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org" <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
>> Subject: RE: [Chapter-delegates] Notification: Individual Donation campaign
>> Hi
>> I see that this campaign is continuing…
>> I have just received another email this month (Help Shape tomorrow) asking for donations. The unsubscribe doesn’t give me the option of only opting out of only donation based email…
>> If every email we receive is going to be about asking for money, I can assure you that membership will drop (or email will just be filtered). The link that one is asked to click on, isn’t even encrypted L
>> The unsubscribe option on the email also doesn’t work (or I can’t understand how to work it) as one is not able to check/uncheck subscription options…
>> My 2c…
>> Saul
>> From: Chapter-delegates [mailto:chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org] On Behalf Of Todd M. Tolbert
>> Sent: 14 November 2017 04:33 PM
>> To: Eduardo Diaz <eduardodiazrivera at gmail.com>
>> Cc: chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
>> Subject: Re: [Chapter-delegates] Notification: Individual Donation campaign
>> Chapter Leaders,
>> I appreciate this comment and all the others. They are not falling on deaf ears, I promise.
>> I have postponed the campaign for now. I am interested now from this group, what the next steps would be to get to a point where we can come to an agreement that this test (in some form) should be run and attempted, with the support of the chapters.
>> I believe there is a Steering Committee meeting on Monday the 20th. I believe I return from my travels around the time that meeting is happening, so I will do everything in my power to be on the call.
>> Thank You,
>> Todd
>> On Nov 14, 2017, at 7:59 AM, Eduardo Diaz <eduardodiazrivera at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Todd:
>> ISOC should start to apply to itself the same multi-stakeholder mechanisms that it so much promotes around the world. The Chapter Advisory Council is one of those mechanisms. Use it.
>> My recommendation going forward is to send a request for advice to the ChAC Steering Committee and let the ball roll there. This will give ISOC the chapter's insights and ideas on how to move ahead with this program. Even if the final ChAC advice is not 100% acceptable, at least all chapters will be aware of the program and consulted previous to launching it.  
>> Reactions like you got from ISOC San Francisco and others (like ours) are an indication of how ISOC is still disconnected from its chapters.
>> -ed
>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 4:47 AM Evan Leibovitch <evan at telly.org> wrote:
>> Hi Todd,
>> ​T​
>> his campaign is the first in a long while from the Internet Society, it used to be a common practice and ISOC has raised money from individuals before. We haven’t done so in the last few years for several reasons, but mostly because we felt that our processes and mechanisms were not professional enough.
>> ​No, it wasn't all about processes. The creation of a chapter in Canada was originally started after the 1997 INET meeting in Montreal, but was cancelled because of an inability to reach agreement on revenue​/solicitation sharing between HQ and Chapters (this was before the PIR windfall). As a result, there was no Canada chapter until a reboot effort started a few years ago. Some of the people involved in that original effort are on the Canada Chapter board now so they know the history.
>> Broadly, the concept of ISOC fundraising from members independently from Chapters is not new, and has been controversial when it occurred in the past. Perhaps the plan's designers might have encountered more of this information and institutional memory, had Chapters been consulted in the planning stages rather than after everything was finalized.
>> Our reasons for doing this now are in line with our position as a global non-profit organization including diversity of our funding sources, which has been a stated goal of ISOC for years; to strengthen the mid and long term financial sustainability of the organization. And secondly, to maintain and strengthen the status as a non-profit organization that needs to meet certain rules of revenue sources.
>> Section 2 of the ISOC bylaws state that its two advisory committees exist "for the purpose of providing information and advice to the Board of Trustees and the President of the Internet Society on matters of strategic importance". The whole reason some of us worked so hard to create a Chapters Advisory Council was to establish an appropriate bi-directional channel that would inform HQ about local sensibilities while then working together in international initiatives.
>> ​ Think global, act local.​
>> Surely a tax-status-related crisis of income diversity qualifies as 'strategic importance'. Why was the Chapters Advisory Council not asked for advice on this as the Bylaws explicitly indicate? Who made the call that this issue was not sufficiently strategic to consult Chapters in advance?
>> Had the ChAC been approached by staff and told "we need to diversify revenue sources from our community", you may have discovered a breadth of innovative approaches. The discussion of whether it is reasonable to have a nominal fee for ISOC membership may have proven useful. Or you may have come to the exact same conclusion as you have now, but this time with Chapters as enthusiastic allies rather than potential competitors for the same sustaining funding.
>> Consider the fundraising model used by American public broadcasting. Consider that PBS doesn't do any membership or individual fundraising campaigns without the close collaboration of WETA, its local partner in Washington. Having parallel national and local campaigns could be a disaster.
>> It is not the intent of this campaign to divert attention from the chapters or try to confuse the recipient at all.
>> As you know -- or at least know by now -- there are Chapters that charge for membership, and some that do their own
>> ​financial ​
>> solicitations of members based on
>> ​local
>>  initiatives.
>> ​Starting
>>  a
>> ​solicitation ​
>> program now will catch them off
>> ​-​
>> guard and with very little time to determine how to work (or cope) with it. How can
>> ​anyone
>>  state definitively that these initiatives will not be confusing or competitive without having reached out to these Chapters -- either individually or through the Council?
>> I believe the message will touch on the breadth and depth of what the community does in the world and that obviously includes the work in the chapters. Both messages will go out on our standard mailer format which has been used to this list for the entirety of 2017.
>> ​At worst, this is a potential for direct conflict with some Chapters.
>> At best, this is a missed opportunity to let the Chapters Advisory Council fulfill its Bylaw role as an integral part of the ISOC decision-making process. ISOC can't be a trusted advocate for multi-stakeholder approaches to Internet governance when it ignores its own internal multi-stakeholder structures. There is a further missed opportunity in that shutting Chapters out of the campaign architecture reduces the potential for a network of local champions ​once the donation campaigns are launched.
>> To use a tennis metaphor, this is an unforced error. Not too late to fix.
>> --
>> Evan Leibovitch
>> Toronto, Canada
>> Em: evan at telly dot org
>> Sk: evanleibovitch
>> Tw: el56
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>> As an Internet Society Chapter Officer you are automatically subscribed
>> to this list, which is regularly synchronized with the Internet Society
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>> As an Internet Society Chapter Officer you are automatically subscribed
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