[Chapter-delegates] Welcome on Board! Recognition of Community Networks SIG

Amparo Arango amparo.arango at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 12:32:59 PST 2018

Dear Kyle and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Dominican Republic Chapter our congratulations for this
new and interesting space. This is a topic that we are going to explore and
promote in our country this year. So we are going to do monitoring of the
work of this new space.

Amparo Arango

2018-01-10 13:04 GMT-04:00 Kyle Shulman <shulman at isoc.org>:

> Dear Colleagues,
> It is my pleasure to let you know that the Internet Society has a new
> Special Interest Group (SIG):  the Internet Society Community Networks SIG
> ,  or CNSIG , which is led by the following SIG officers:
> Nicolás Echániz, Chair - nicoechaniz at altermundi.net
> Sol Luca de Tena, Vice Chair - sol at zenzeleni.net
> Manuela González Ursi, Secretary - manugonzur at gmail.com
> Karla Velasco, Treasurer  -  karlavelascor at gmail.com
> Gioacchino Mazzuco, Alternate Treasurer - gio at diveni.re
> Peter Bloom, Alternate Secretary - peter at rhizomatica.org
> Please join me in welcoming the CNSIG to the community!
> Best Regards,
> Kyle Shulman
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*Amparo Arango Echeverri*

*Presidenta del Capítulo de la Internet Society-RD*

*Cel: +1809-696-7008skype: arangoeTwitter: aarango*
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