[Chapter-delegates] Participation in discussions was Membership or Mission?
President ISOC-KH
president at isoc-kh.org
Thu Mar 29 18:45:26 PDT 2012
We too do not have much of a problem to receive free of charge meeting
space for training sessions - even for our last Annual General Meeting.
But to have an office (avoiding the perception of dependency on the
provider), and to have a working unpaid secretary is another issue.
Norbert Klein
ISOC Cambodia Chapter
On 03/29/2012 09:06 PM, Paul Brooks wrote:
> On 29/03/2012 1:02 AM, David Vyorst wrote:
>> +1
>> A DC office would be nice as well. We currently use John's home
>> address, and he's been rather lucky that no one has looked it up.
>> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 9:53 AM, David Solomonoff
>> <president at isoc-ny.org <mailto:president at isoc-ny.org>> wrote:
>> Following on the issue of Chapter support ...
>> Even the New York Chapter is hampered by this. We have received
>> some grant money but our all-volunteer group has difficulty
>> finding the time to both do the projects and produce all the
>> documentation - and we have Joly, a professional videographer, as
>> one of our most active members.
>> We have had offers of assistance (including financial) from local
>> ISP's we haven't been able to follow up on. Event space is a
>> constant problem. After the controversy about Paul Brigner's
>> appointment I invited him to visit us and he agreed - but I had
>> to really hustle to get a space on short notice.
>> Despite the fact that it's possible to do so much online I think
>> that the Internet Society's credibility is hurt by not having a
>> physical space in a city like New York. I was recently talking to
>> a NYC city council staffer about the .nyc TLD - trying to find
>> put what was happening with the application process. I explained
>> who we were and our mission - then he asked me where we were
>> located. When I told him we didn't have an office his tone
>> immediately changed.
> I can count on fingers the number of times we might have wanted to use
> a private office in Sydney over the course of a year - certainly not
> worth office rental or the excessive fees of a serviced office at this
> stage.
> Function and event spaces are another matter, but we are fortunate to
> have a number of organisational members who are very willing to
> provide us meeting rooms and function spaces in their offices for the
> odd face-to-face board meeting, members functions and seminars, for
> which they receive the exposure to the members attending, and our
> acknowledgements and thanks at the microphone for their support. Being
> an official not-for-profit organisation, I am often happily surprised
> by the level of no-cost support we and other not-for-profits receive
> from legal and accounting firms as part of their pro-bono support.
> For a sensitive meeting like David describes, my first call is to our
> very accommodating lawyers who usually have a meeting room free.
> --
> Paul Brooks
> Treasurer
> Internet Society of Australia
> www.isoc-au.org.au
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