[Chapter-delegates] Follow-up from Bucharest workshop : Community grants program - multichapter project idea "Chapter to chapter collaboration tools"
Elena Zvarici
elena.zvarici at isoc.ro
Wed Mar 28 23:52:48 PDT 2012
Dear Joly
I think the policy work of Isoc in the future should be developped in the approximate form of a wiki : common work with chapters and staff, timely contributions, regular exchanges
However this is only my personal view, maybe other chapters / members see it differently.
See other organizations that function this way : www.laquadrature.net
Edri (is down atm)
Such websites make available wikis, lawtracking tools, etherpad, task managers, policy information and much more.
I think in this stage it is important to know what we want, and how wecan best work together, the results will ensure that the tools will be used by most members and chapters.
Therefore at this moment I would abstain from creating duplicate policy or collaboration platforms, but I would analyze what we want to achieve along with other chapters and staff in order to achieve consensus.
Elena Zvarici
Communication manager
Internet Society Romania
----- Mesaj original -----
De la: "Joly MacFie" <joly at punkcast.com>
Către: "Eduard Tric" <eduard.tric at isoc.ro>
cc: "chapter-delegates" <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
Trimis: miercuri, 28 martie, 2012 21:29:03
Subiect: Re: [Chapter-delegates] Follow-up from Bucharest workshop : Community grants program - multichapter project idea "Chapter to chapter collaboration tools"
There are a couple of other initiatives 1) Tommi's Internet
Observatory, and 2) another policy initiative by David Vyorst out of
ISOC DC, that could perhaps be folded in. I know David is considering
his own grant application.
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 8:08 AM, Eduard Tric <eduard.tric at isoc.ro> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Following the Bucharest chapter workshop, we have set-up as promised , helped by volunteers from other chapters, an experimental service called "Chapter to chapter collaboration tools"
> The tools are available on http://www.anuntul.eu/wordpress/ (and some of them on http://www.anuntul.eu) .
> The main idea was to encourage and implement not only HQ-to Chapters communication , but also chapter to chapter (and in a third phase Isoc user to Isoc user ) collaboration. the goal is to have more or less a private Facebook.
> We will continue to work on the pilot, but we would like to implement faster .
> At this stage , we have two main questions :
> 1. (for comunity grants team) Is this project inline with Isoc priorities (fundable in this round of projects ) ?
> 2. Are there other chapters interested to participate in the set-up and pilot (as beneficiaries ) of such a tool ?
> A third question would be related to identity federation (kerberos -like) and single sign-on , but this more related to the integration with Isoc system (aptify ?).
> As of today , we have little of the login/password provided by Isoc (my personal use is mainly as Chapter Officer , i fail to see other usages).
> Best regards,
> Ed
> http://www.anuntul.eu/wordpress/
> --
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