[Chapter-delegates] Follow-up from Bucharest workshop : Community grants program - multichapter project idea "Chapter to chapter collaboration tools"

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Wed Mar 28 11:29:03 PDT 2012

There are a couple of other initiatives 1) Tommi's Internet
Observatory, and 2) another policy initiative by David Vyorst out of
ISOC DC, that could perhaps be folded in. I know David is considering
his own grant application.


On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 8:08 AM, Eduard Tric <eduard.tric at isoc.ro> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Following the Bucharest chapter workshop, we have set-up as promised , helped by volunteers from other chapters,  an experimental service called "Chapter to chapter collaboration tools"
> The tools are available on http://www.anuntul.eu/wordpress/  (and some of them on http://www.anuntul.eu) .
> The main idea was to encourage and  implement not only HQ-to Chapters communication , but also chapter to chapter (and in a third phase Isoc user to Isoc user ) collaboration. the goal is to have more or less a private Facebook.
> We will continue to work on the pilot, but we would like  to implement faster .
> At this stage , we have two main questions :
> 1. (for comunity grants team)  Is this project inline with Isoc priorities (fundable in this round of projects ) ?
> 2. Are there other chapters  interested to participate in the set-up and pilot (as beneficiaries ) of such a tool ?
> A third question would be related to identity federation (kerberos -like) and single sign-on , but this more related to the integration with Isoc system (aptify ?).
> As of today , we have little of the login/password provided by Isoc (my personal use is mainly as Chapter Officer , i fail to see other usages).
> Best regards,
> Ed
> http://www.anuntul.eu/wordpress/
> --
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Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
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