[Chapter-delegates] LoA for good or bad?

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Sat Mar 24 03:42:52 PDT 2012

Isoc HQ has no control over the Isoc members. The LoA gives exactly that,
what they cannot have vis-a-vis the members. There is no reason to discuss
the LoA - it is an idea, which turned out to be bad, and not coming on time
(it should come as an exchange of letters, but AFTER Isoc changes its


On Saturday, March 24, 2012, Grigori Saghyan <gregor at arminco.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
>> Where are chapters in this model? Chapters are subgroups of members.
> Why these subgroups have to sign a LoA?
> Let us observe a case, when there is only one member (participant?) in
> the Chapter, who also represents the subgroup - as an extreme case.
> In this case there is no need to sign the LoA, because this person has
> already accepted ISOC membership conditions.
> Better to describe, how to involve  ISOC member from the area, where any
> Chapter is active  into named Chapter - formally. May be double
> --
> Grigori Saghyan
> PGP Key ID: 0x48E4D5DC


== Sent from my phone, so any spelling mistakes are caused by the
touchscreen keyboard. That's a nice excuse, isn't it;-)
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