[Chapter-delegates] Appointment of former MPAA CTO Paul Brigner as North American Regional Director of Internet Society
Carlos A. Afonso
ca at cafonso.ca
Wed Mar 21 08:37:40 PDT 2012
Wow, really worrisome news. Bad move indeed.
fraternal regards
On 03/21/2012 11:57 AM, David Solomonoff wrote:
> I am profoundly disturbed by the appointment of Paul Brigner as North
> American Regional Director of the Internet Society.
> In his previous position as Chief Technology Officer at the Motion
> Picture Association of America (MPAA) he worked for the passage of PIPA
> and SOPA.
> His blog posts are here:
> http://blog.mpaa.org/BlogOS/author/Paul-Brigner.aspx
> These bills allowed for the arbitrary shutdown of allegedly infringing
> websites without due process and the potential disruption of the open
> Internet. And the ways in which the MPAA and other industry groups
> maneuvered behind the scenes to pressure legislators are why many
> citizens have become embittered and cynical about the political process
> in this country.
> The New York Chapter has succeeded by working over a period of many
> years to build relationships with the Free/Open Source and Free Culture
> communities, local tech industry associations, the startup community as
> well as advocates for open government.
> The effective endorsement of MPAA policy positions by the Internet
> Society with the appointment of Brigner threatens to poison those
> relationships and severely damage the good name of the Internet Society.
> I respectfully request that you reconsider the appointment of Paul
> Brigner as North American Regional Director of the Internet Society.
> Sincerely,
> David
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