[Chapter-delegates] IGF 2012 / Nov 6-9, to coincide with IETF 85

Markus Kummer kummer at isoc.org
Thu Mar 15 07:00:26 PDT 2012

Dear all,

This is indeed unfortunate. The dates were floated last month at the open IGF consultations in Geneva. I wrote to the UN, drawing their attention to this fact and requesting them to reconsider the dates. Unfortunately without success. Apparently, the Azeri government insisted on keeping these dates, as they want to have the IGF to run parallel or back-ti-back with an ICT trade show in Baku.

Best regards

On Mar 15, 2012, at 10:02 AM, Michiel Leenaars wrote:

> Dear all,
> FYI:
> just wanted to signal to the chapter delegates that I just found
> out that the next Internet Governance Forum will take place from
> November 6-9 2012 in Baku, Azerbejdzan. Probably some of you were aware
> of this already, but at least I was unaware until today that final
> dates had been published by the IGF secretariat.
> The chosen dates unfortunately coincide with the 85th IETF taking
> place in Atlanta, meaning that many people from the technical community
> that want to attend the event will not be able to do so.
> There is also a call for workshops, with a submission deadline of April
> 12th: 
>                   http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/w2012
> Kind regards,
> Michiel Leenaars
> Directeur 
> Internet Society Nederland  -------- Telefoon +31 (0)70 314 0385
> Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 -------- Mobiel: +31 6 27 050947
> 2595 BE Den Haag ------------------- ENUM: +31 6 27 050947
> http://isoc.nl/michiel ------------- SIP: michiel at isoc.nl
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