[Chapter-delegates] ISOC courses

Carlo Cosmatos c.cosmatos at isoc.it
Wed Mar 14 10:44:45 PDT 2012

Dear all, for educational purposes I'm working on a web site that
aggregates multimedia content related to the history of Internet and
future of communications. Until now I collected more than 300 videos,
and I'm working for the realization of a multimedia timeline.


This is a first draft version, I have a lot of technical problems to
solve, and a huge work to do related to the contents, I will try to
complete the first official version for the next year. Hoping that you
will find it interesting and useful I send you
Kind Regards

Dr. Carlo Cosmatos
http://www.internet-history.info (en)
http://commercioelettronico.freeunixhost.com (it)
http://www.iz5vtp.info (en)

social web:
https://joindiaspora.com/people/178468 (en)
http://twitter.com/carlo_cosmatos (en)

e-mail: carlo.cosmatos at internetgov.info
skype: cancos - cell: +(39)3388776322
address: Via S. Marta 45, Pisa, 56127 - Italy


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