[Chapter-delegates] Isoc courses

Toral Cowieson cowieson at isoc.org
Wed Mar 14 07:51:14 PDT 2012

Hello Elena, Marcin, all,

This is a very timely discussion.  Thank you Elena for initiating.

The Internet Leadership team has been looking at ways to leverage existing materials to reach broader communities.  We will be engaging former NGL participants and would also very much like to engage Chapters in these discussions.

As part of that dialogue on process,  the IL team has been in conversations with Anne and Jacek how we might accomplish that.  One thought is to have a robust exchange during the Global INET pre-conference sessions.  This will then be the foundation for fostering sustainable dialogue and additional asset creation for 2012 and beyond.

If you are interested in participating either at the INET itself or after, please let us know by sending an email to leaders at isoc.org, with subject line: Leveraging Assets.

Jacek has also noted the input from those who were at the Bucharest INET last year and the subsequent email discussion.  These comments are also part of what we should consider in the dialogue moving forward.


Toral D. Cowieson
Sr. Director, Internet Leadership
Internet Society

Direct Line: (703) 439-2777

On Mar 14, 2012, at 8:03 AM, Marcin Cieslak wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Mar 2012, Peter Houstle wrote:
>> Great idea, Elena. Might be interesting to look at
>> http://www.khanacademy.org/ for modeling (or partnering?) ideas. Kahn
>> has generated quite a lot of buzz in the world of learning…and quite
>> a lot of consternation among educators (some folks just don’t like
>> the idea of change!).
> One of the questions that arise is whether we have some interesting
> material within the Internet Society which could be re-used not to
> start from scratch (even old). We've had some initiatives in the past 
> but I can't see them under the URL http://www.isoc.org/educpillar/
> But there is good news as well! This page:
> http://www.internetsociety.org/what-we-do/education-and-leadership-programmes
> is using a real photo of the ISOC IGF Ambassador! Not a stock photo!
> This is great!
> //Marcin
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