[Chapter-delegates] Isoc courses

Marcin Cieslak saper at saper.info
Wed Mar 14 05:03:43 PDT 2012

On Wed, 14 Mar 2012, Peter Houstle wrote:

> Great idea, Elena. Might be interesting to look at
> http://www.khanacademy.org/ for modeling (or partnering?) ideas. Kahn
> has generated quite a lot of buzz in the world of learning…and quite
> a lot of consternation among educators (some folks just don’t like
> the idea of change!).

One of the questions that arise is whether we have some interesting
material within the Internet Society which could be re-used not to
start from scratch (even old). We've had some initiatives in the past 
but I can't see them under the URL http://www.isoc.org/educpillar/

But there is good news as well! This page:


is using a real photo of the ISOC IGF Ambassador! Not a stock photo!
This is great!


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