[Chapter-delegates] Presentation slides and transcript from Chapters & Members meeting in Delhi alongside APRICOT 2012 now available

Anne Lord lord at isoc.org
Sun Mar 11 18:35:48 PDT 2012

Dear Colleagues,

The slides and transcript of the Chapters & Members meeting in Delhi  
last week alongside APRICOT 2012 now available at the URL below:


Sincere thanks are to the India, Delhi Chapter and to Brajesh Jain for  
a very good meeting. We had a great turnout, with over 70 people in  
the room at one stage!

Just as a friendly reminder, the Chapter and Member meetings alongside  
the ICANN meeting this week are taking place as follows:

1. Sunday 11th March 7.30pm local time  (UTC -6) - Currently LIVE
"ISOC in ICANN" meeting - details are at: http://www.internetsociety.org/node/12540

2. Tuesday 13th March 7.30pm local time (UTC-6)
"Chapters and Members" meeting - http://www.internetsociety.org/events/internet-society-chapters-members-meeting-icann-43

Best wishes

Anne Lord,                                 <lord at isoc.org>
Director of Chapters               http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society     "The Internet is for everyone"

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