[Chapter-delegates] Change of Venue: Tonight's ISOC at ICANN Meeting
Rudi Vansnick
rudi.vansnick at isoc.be
Sun Mar 11 14:01:46 PDT 2012
I'll do my very best to participate however it will be 2:30 am Belgian time when the meeting starts.
Warm regards,
Rudi Vansnick
——————————————— Internet Society Belgium —————————————————
President - CEO Tel +32/(0)9/329.39.16
rudi.vansnick at isoc.be Mobile +32/(0)475/28.16.32
Dendermondesteenweg 143 B-9070 Destelbergen BELGIUM
www.internetsociety.be "The Internet is for everyone"
Op 11-mrt-2012, om 20:37 heeft Narelle Clark het volgende geschreven:
> Hi everyone
> this should be a fantastic session and I am sad that I have to go home
> beforehand.
> For anyone attending ICANN thinking about attending, make sure you do, as
> the ISOC people here are a fabulous bunch - the many chapter people from
> around the region are so energetic, interesting, well-informed and well
> connected!
> Most of the Board will be present also, as well as many of the ISOC staff.
> They, too, are a fascinating group.
> The high level policy round table held here on Friday was extremely
> interesting and I heard about things like national wireless and fibre
> projects, policy initiatives etc.
> So I know you will find the interaction rewarding.
> Hopefully I will get to see you in Geneva where I'm sure we'll see a
> repeat of the energy we have here at the INET in April.
> Regards
> Narelle
> --
> Narelle Clark
> member Board of Trustees, ISOC
> President
> Internet Society of Australia
> president at isoc-au.org.au
> www.isoc-au.org.au
>> Dear Chapter Delegates,
>> We look forward to seeing many of you at this evening's ISOC at ICANN
>> Meeting.
>> For those of you joining face-to-face at 19:30 (local time), please note
>> that due to expected high winds, the venue at the Ramada Plaza Hotel has
>> been changed from Tienda (a tent) to the Las Americas Room. Please share
>> this information with any of your chapter members attending ICANN 43.
>> A sandwich buffet will be available.
>> The remote participation details are unchanged.
>> Please let me know if I can answer any questions.
>> Kind regards,
>> Kevin Craemer
>> Senior Events Manager
>> Internet Society
>> craemer at isoc.org
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