[Chapter-delegates] Webinar Wednesday, 7. March 2012 23:00, Bangkok Time (Bangkok, GMT+07:00)

nhklein nhklein at gmx.net
Tue Mar 6 17:41:37 PST 2012

On 03/07/2012 07:33 AM, Anne Lord wrote:
> hi Norbert,
> I am sorry you were up late in vain.  I am afraid you were a day too 
> early. Today is Wednesday 7th March. Yesterday when you tried was the 
> 6th. The time of the call is UTC 13.30. ie. 8.30pm Bangkok.
> Let me know if you have the login details.
> Anne

Thanks Ann, Alex, Jacek,

pointing out my terrible mistake: one day off. (Some of my systems got 
confused with *29* February, I tried to correct things, but obviously 
got something wrong and did not realize it.)

Unfortunately, I have a previous commitment for today, the evening of 7 
March, Phnom Penh time, so I cannot participate in the webinar.


In April 2011, I started a new blog:

...thinking it over... after 21 years in Cambodia

continuing to share reports and comments from Cambodia.
Thse are my latest postings:

Why such selective law enforcement? (20.2.2012)

Myanmar’s Roadmap to Democracy (27.2.2012)

The Freedom of Expression – China and Cambodia – and the Internet (4.3.2012)

Norbert Klein
nhklein at gmx.net
Phnom Penh / Cambodia

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