[Chapter-delegates] Webinar Wednesday, 7. March 2012 23:00, Bangkok Time (Bangkok, GMT+07:00)

nhklein nhklein at gmx.net
Tue Mar 6 08:35:46 PST 2012

Hi Everybody,

this is just to share what I see on my screen:

*Before you join the meeting, please click here to make sure that you 
have the appropriate players to view UCF (Universal Communications 
Format) rich media files in the meeting. *

No problem.

*When it's time, join here.

        If you are the host, start your meeting.*

  But the JOIN button under these two lines never became active. Why? I 
think the explanation is here:

*Meeting status:       Not started
   Starting date:       Wednesday, 7. March 2012
   Starting time:       23:00, Bangkok Time (Bangkok, GMT+07:00)
   Duration:               1 hour
   Host's name:       Jacek Gajewski
   Host's Email:       gajewski at isoc.org *

I checked my e-mail inbox for any explanation - but there was none.

This status existed since I logged onto the site at 23:00 - but there 
was no change until I gave up:

It is now 23:25 - I go to bed.

Maybe it is all a problem on my side? Probably not, as the site says: 
*Meeting status: Not started*

ISOC Cambodia Chapter

In April 2011, I started a new blog:

...thinking it over... after 21 years in Cambodia

continuing to share reports and comments from Cambodia.
Thse are my latest postings:

Why such selective law enforcement? (20.2.2012)

Myanmar's Roadmap to Democracy (27.2.2012)

The Freedom of Expression -- China and Cambodia -- and the Internet (4.3.2012)

Norbert Klein
nhklein at gmx.net
Phnom Penh / Cambodia

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