[Chapter-delegates] Net Neutrality and EU Parliament (February 27)

Frederic Donck donck at isoc.org
Mon Mar 5 08:11:23 PST 2012


As part of our effort to engage with key stakeholders in Europe, I'm glad to share with you some recent talks which the EU Bureau had recently with many stakeholders in Brussels on Net Neutrality.
This conference has been orgnanised in the European Parliament premises, on February 27.

List of stakeholders and speakers as well as the different presentations (incl. the EU Bureau) can be found here (agenda): http://bit.ly/wHf9Fs and here (content): http://bit.ly/xpwPW1
Worth noting is the French Regulator (ARCEP) presentation which shows some nice alignement with some of ISOC thoughts. This is not a surprise as we already measured this during our last meeting with the BEREC (already reported on this list)
This said, unfortunately, more effort is still required as many stakeholders in Europe are still confused re: what the Internet really is and what the role /purpose of traffic management should be. 

Enjoy the reading and happy to answer any question.

Best Regards

Frederic Donck
Director European Regional Bureau
Internet Society


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